Traditionally, the fault lines in biblical theology run between the understanding of whether the field is a purely descriptive endeavor, produces a normative theology, or tries to achieve both. However, is this the only grid we should use to approach biblical theology? Should practicing it not rather foremost result in a transformative experience that encompasses and integrates both Testaments?
Two Testaments, One Story explores the foundation for a transformative panbiblical theology that seeks to empower believers to live a consistent and compelling life as Christ-followers and global Christians in a pluralistic world.
Join Michael Eberhardt-Sturm in this journey, from the preparation work at the drawing board through the extensive study of scripture to constructing the biblical story world’s literary and theological framework. Central to this quest are the concepts of cultural memory and remembrance culture and identifying the Bible’s critical root stories. Their workup establishes the road to unlocking scripture’s story world.
In this journey:
- Review the discipline’s perennial issues and problems.
- Understand philosophy of science’s role in the project.
- Consult the field of cultural anthropology to set the parameters for the interpretation of scripture and an appropriate hermeneutical approach.
- Identify scripture’s “critical root stories” through the concepts of cultural memory and remembrance culture.
- Trace God’s footprint and central longitudinal themes throughout the root stories.
- Illuminate the stories reverberation in later canonical writings.
- Uncover the biblical story world’s dynamic, plot and pattern, conceptual universe, hermeneutics, and overall outline.
- Define a research tradition suitable to the subject matter that leads to a transformative panbiblical theology.
Discover the path to a transformative panbiblical theology in Two Testaments, One Story.